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Cuts and Bruises – Victims And Causes

Common injuries and small mishaps form an integral part of our daily lives.

It is quite common for almost each one of us to suffer from a small cut here and a minor bruise there, as we rush past our day, striving to fulfill our respective duties. These cuts and bruises have a knack of coming along in the most unexpected manner through the safest of activities.

Whether you operate outside your house in a competitive commercial environment, or you are a homemaker managing the household chores, or just a teenage or an adolescent having your fist years in high school; minors and sometimes even major cuts and bruises feature in everyone's lives.

However, these injuries manifest themselves in different fashions in different groups of people and hence, almost always require different methods for treatment and prevention.

The Differences

Well, to begin with, it is most common for young adolescents, teenagers and even small kids to suffer from these cuts and bruises.

For a child who has just learnt to use the skateboard, a minor cut or a bruise is a very common thing. It is the caretaker of the child who needs to ensure that the cut or the injury is properly cleaned and an appropriate medication applied.

Similarly, for a teenager dashing across on his bike, it is not unusual to get major cuts and bruises which can be only dealt by a strong medication, obtained by prescription. However, most importantly, the main solution in these cases is to refrain from such hazardous activities that cause these cuts and bruises.

Moving on, the second group of individuals who are likely to suffer the most from these cuts and bruises is the homemakers and those involved in fulfilling the household duties.

From cutting and chopping in the kitchen, to setting up the crockery and cutlery and most important, running after energetic kids and getting them to live an organized life; these mothers and housewives surely get more than their fair share of cuts and bruises, which are very often ignored in the tizzy of their hectic waking hours.

So much so, that a small cut or a bruise in the kitchen is considered pretty normal and might even go unnoticed most of the times.

However, regardless of the victim of such cuts and bruises and the source of their occurrence, it is important that due attention is given to its treatment and further prevention. Otherwise, if the affected area is not cured properly, such injuries can easily spread out to develop into serious infections and diseases.