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Paintball Bruises – The Escape Route

Paintball is basically a game in which paint-filled pellets are fired out of guns at a very high speed, implying a greater potential to get hurt and suffer from severe bruises.

The Spirit

Being a game of fun and high energy, paintball is an activity that involves a lot of boisterous display of aggression.

It is an accepted part of the game to hit out at the other player, even if in fun which actually results in these huge and red paintball bruises.

However, such paintball bruises can even get more hazardous if the activity involved is more aggressive and sharp.

There have been instances where players have been suffering from paintball bruises which have been severe enough to prevent them from entering the field for another week or so.

The Prevention

To prevent being hit with these terrible paintball bruises, it is important that you follow a certain set of precautions. Foremost, it is crucial for you to wear proper clothing for the game.

This essentially includes long-sleeved shirts, long pants and boots or closed-toe shoes. If you happen to be a beginner, it is even better to get dressed in layers to protect yourself from being hit.

The above also includes wearing a helmet all the times when in the field. Since the head is one of the most common targets for paintball bruises, wearing a helmet is extremely important to avoid being injured.

In addition, go in for a pair of protective goggles. Wearing these along with a facemask will ensure that you do not end up with a huge injury right in your face after you finish your favorite game.

In case you are susceptible to paintball bruises easily in certain specific areas, it is always advisable to wear protective padding properly so that you can save yourself at all possible times.

Most important of all, an extremely effective way is to learn to save yourself sensibly from the injury. It is wise enough to learn to bob and weave and make good use of the field obstacles and be on the offensive.

In fact, it even helps to have a straight talk on the issue with your fellow players. Though it is a game of fun, but each of the individuals involved need to see the risk of severe injuries that is involved.

Lastly, as is the case with all types of bruises, it is important that you learn to avoid getting hit on the same area again. If the injury is severe enough, you can even stay off the field for a few days to allow speedy recovery.