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Save Money By Buying Surplus First Aid Supplies

Buying surplus first aid supplies is a great way to get the supplies you need for your first aid kit and save money at the same time.

Surplus first aid supplies are sold by companies that have a "surplus" of them or a large quantity. You will see this a lot in store that sell military supplies. This is where you will see surplus products like surplus first aid supplies most often.

When it's a military supply company that is selling the surplus first aid supplies, you will be able to also get a first aid kit with or without the supplies.

Sometimes you may want to buy the complete kit whereas other times, it may be more economical to buy an empty kit and purchase all the surplus first aid supplies you need to stock the kit. Often when you see companies that sell surplus first aid supplies, they not only have a large quantity, but also offer the customer savings if they also purchase in quantities.

While you may feel that you don't have the need for many of these items in quantity, there are many items in a first aid kit that you will go through quickly. In this case, you'll save money in the long run by buying more and getting the discount.

Many people that are part of a large family will get other members of the family or close friends to order the surplus first aid supplies as well so you can all get the savings for buying in quantity.

Medical facilities will buy these surplus first aid supplies by the hundreds or thousands for their soldiers so they are all equipped with the first aid they need in case of an emergency. In times of war or government turmoil, the soldiers go through hundreds of these at a time.

Buying in surplus or from a company that sells surplus is how many large businesses or schools get their first aid supplies. When the surplus first aid supplies come from a company that sells military equipment, the kit is usually drab green and the supplies consist of 2"x6 yds.

Bandage gauze, 1"x3" bandage strips, clean wipes, antiseptic wipes and alcohol wipes. These small kits have just the basics and only in small quantities, which explains why these kits need to be replaced so often.

Surplus first aid supplies aren't always sold by companies that sell military supplies. They are also sold by companies that supply medical personnel with their first aid supplies.

This is a great way to get the first aid supplies of your choice as well as the complete kits that are required in certain businesses.