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The Essentials About Sprains Herbs

Sprains are ligament injuries and the typical treatment involves icing, rest, compression, and elevation.

Sometimes there is the need for surgical treatment as well as physical therapy. However, that is not the only treatment that is available. There are definitely sprains herbs that are available for the treatment of sprains.

There are also different sprains herbs that can be used for different stages of the healing process. Different herbs are used for the initial treatment than for the supportive treatment.

Having herbs available does not mean that a doctor should not be consulted or that the usual treatment should not be combined with the herbs.

It is necessary to follow the advice of the physician. Sprains can have lasting effects on the joint and therefore herbs can be taken for the immediate as well as the long term treatment of ligament and joint injuries.

Initially after the sprain, it is essential to ice the injury for no more than ten or fifteen minutes at a time. Then there should be about half an hour break followed by another fifteen minute period of icing.

The icing should continue for about the first twenty four hours after the injury. There should also be a rest period for about two weeks but that depends on the level of the sprain. Sprains herbs can be also used during these initial hours after the injury.

The first is called Arnica Montana or Arnica. This is typically applied in the form of an oil, gel, or ointment. The concentration is about eight percent. For about the first twenty four hours, this should be applied to the area about once an hour. This is applied to help reduce inflammation.

The next sprains herbs is Sambucus Nigra. This is applied as bruised leaves. The leaves should be fresh. They are applied as a poultice. Another leaf that can be used to help pain is the Chervil. It is applied as a warm poultice. The leaves should be left on the area until the pain is reduced.

For the supportive treatment, warm compresses of ginger should be used after periodical icing.

When thinking about using sprains herbs it is important to note that your physician may be able to suggest some that are healthy and will not interfere with current medications. However, there are also specialists that are trained in the area of herbs and will be able to advice you on what is best.

It is essential to understand that herbs are medications and should be researched and understood before taken. That being said, they are definitely an excellent alternative to over the counter products or prescription medications.