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Foot Sprains
Foot sprains are really no different than any other sprain. It is still an injury to the ligaments. The ligaments are pieces of tissue that connect bones within a joint. However, there is something interesting about the foot.
It carries all the weight of the body and is used so much that you would think that sprains of the foot are quite common. However, foot sprains are quite unusual. The foot does have many different joints and ligaments, but none the less, ligament injuries are still quite rare.
Injuries to the ankles are much more common. This is because in order for foot sprains to occur, the foot has to be moving or involved in an activity where it is being manipulated in some way.
This could be a sport or simply a freak accident. There are typically two different areas of the foot where sprains occur.
The first area is called the midfoot. The midfoot is the center of the foot including the arch of the foot. These types of sprains are most common in specific sports. These sports include ballet, horseback riding, snowboarding, and windsurfing.
The next most common reason for midfoot injuries is collisions or falls. The most severe of the midfoot sprains occurs during falls from high places or serious car accidents. However, this is typically when bones are broken as well and some surgical repair may be necessary.
The second place for foot sprains to occur is the first metatarsophalangeal joint. This is the joint that can be located at the base of the big toe. This is typically caused by the backwards bending of the big toe. This injury is commonly referred to as turf toe.
The most common reason for this type of foot sprains is simply just stubbing or tripping. The next most common reason for this injury is soccer. Soccer player’s shoes are flexible and light in order to play the sport better, but they do not offer much protection for the big toe against this injury.
These injuries typically occur in people participating in sports and therefore it is important that they recover and still are able to use their feet for their livelihood.
This is especially important for dancers, soccer players, and performers. It is recommended for these people that they keep the foot in a cast or brace and rest it until the injury as healed properly.
No chances should be taken with an injury that affects the part of the body that provides someone with their talent and their financial stability.