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Sprains Essential Oils: Smell the Healing
Sprains essential oils can help heal an injury as well as help with the pain and inflammation.
There are some different kinds of oils that are more commonly used for sprains than others. The great thing about using essential oils to help with a sprain is that they often come with added bonuses, because they have excellent scents that have benefits as well.
Sprains essential oils can be found at many different health food stores as well as pharmacies or online. However, essential oils are commonly used as an addition to the treatment recommended by a doctor.
Sprains can be serious injuries and should of course be treated primarily by a physician incase the injury is serious enough to need surgery or temporary casting. Essential oils can be an excellent way to help an injury while receiving other benefits as well.
One of the most common sprains essential oils is chamomile. Chamomile has a soothing effect as well as a muscle relaxant. The scent of chamomile is said to be sweet and fruity.
The other bonus of chamomile is that it is a relaxant or sedative so that if the area is causing quite a bit of pain and getting or staying to sleep is a problem, chamomile can help with that as well. It can also help reduce headaches and therefore is good for neck sprains.
The second of the sprains essential oils is lavender. Lavender is an anti-inflammatory therefore it helps reduce and prevent inflammation in a sprain. The scent of lavender is floral and woody. Like chamomile it is also a sedative so it may help obtain some sleep as well.
Further to this, it also helps headaches and can help quite a bit with neck sprains. The primary effects of lavender are calming and therapeutic. The third of the sprains essential oils is rosemary. The scent of rosemary is said to be woody and refreshing. Unlike the lavender and chamomile it is described as being stimulant.
However, whether the choice is chamomile, lavender, or rosemary it is important to note that all of these are analgesics and therefore have a pain reducing element. The suggested way to apply these sprains essential oils is to place a few drops on a cold cloth and use it is a compress on the affected area.
The oils can also be added to regular massage oil and used on the area as well. However, it is important to note that areas that are swollen should not be massaged directly.
So perhaps if there is a lot of swelling the cold compress method is a better idea.