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Simple First Aid For Coral Reef Scrapes

Coral reef scrapes and cuts often result in a red raised rash. Many times these coral reef scrapes or cuts are the result of a fire coral, which is a stinging creature, not a true coral.

The reaction to these coral reef scrapes and cuts can vary from one individual to another depending on the amount of exposure to toxins, the extent of the abrasion as well as the pre-existing sensitivity of the victim.

Avoid coral reef scrapes and cuts

If at all possible, avoid contact with coral as well as other living creatures, however accidents happen. Another diver or a current could easily push you into a coral reef.

Proper clothing is one of the best protections against an unexpected occurrence. Wearing a wetsuit or diveskin can help protect your skin from coral reef scrapes should contact occur.

Simple coral reef scrapes first aid

In the event you do get coral reef scrapes while underwater, quick treatment is the best option.

Coral reef scrapes reactions can be reduced by immediately cleaning the area with soap and water then applying plain white household vinegar to the wound. Vinegar can be used as a soak on the coral reef scrapes and can help to reduce the pain.

Even with proper treatment, symptoms can reoccur even after the initial symptoms’ have seemingly resolved. This is because tiny, microscopic fragments of living coral can remain in the wound for several weeks even after through cleansing.

Keep an eye on the wound for inflammation and infection. These are signs that the coral reef scrapes should be looked at by a medical professional.

When diving take a first aid kit along

Coral reef scrapes and cuts happen, no matter how careful you are. Preparation can save a lot of pain and anxiety when coral reef scrapes and cuts happen.

Before diving, order a marine animal first aid kit to take with you on your excursion. When it arrives, remove the items inside and make sure you know what they are used for. You might even consider taking a first aid or CPR class before you head for the water.

For those who really want to be prepared there are classes on marine life identification which delve into various marine life injuries and how to treat them. Being prepared and knowing what to do can save time and maybe someone’s life. You never know when you or someone else might need help.

Being prepared by knowing how to perform CPR and having a first aid kit on hand is a great feeling when the unexpected happens.