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What To Do When A Person Bruises Easily

Like it or not, bruising is the body's natural reaction to trauma. When the skin is pushed, poked, prodded or banged enough to break the small blood vessels near its surface, bruising simply happens.

In most cases, bruises are easily explained. In some, however, they just appear for no reason whatsoever. If a person bruises easily, there may be cause to alert a medical professional.

This is especially so if a multitude of bruises appear without explanation or if normal bruises refuse to heal.

When To Get Help

When a person bruises easily, there are a number of potential causes. Seeking medical advice for profuse bruising is generally a very good idea. Some of the potential reasons to contact a medical professional include:

• Unexplained bruising on any part of the body that is extensive or troublesome.
• Bruising that takes place during normal, everyday actions. Bruises that happen simply from sitting down, for example. In some people, the slightest pressure can cause bruising. This is not normal.
• Bruises that refuse to go away. If a bruise doesn't nearly fade out after two weeks, medical advice is generally advised.

Causes Of Bruises

When a person bruises easily, there are a number of potential causes. Letting a medical professional figure out the reason and solution is generally the best. Some of the common causes of frequent, unexplained bruising include:

• Bleeding disorders. There are certain medical conditions that can cause the blood vessels to break more easily. Finding out if one of these is the cause of bruising is a very smart idea.
• Medications. Certain medications can make a person more prone to bruising. Blood thinners, for example, are known to cause bruising.
• Poor nutrition. In some cases, a nutritional imbalance might be to blame for a person who bruises easily suffering these unsightly marks.

When a person bruises easily and often, medical attention is typically required. While some causes of easy bruising are a reason for alarm, most are not. Getting it check out, however, is always the smartest way to go.

Treatments Available

While there are no major medical treatments for bruises beyond basic first aid, there are ways to help people who bruise easily.

Medications might be changed, for example, or diet improved. If a disorder is to blame, treating that disorder might lessen the bruising.

If a person bruises easily, the resulting marks are not generally welcomed. Getting at the root of the problem can provide the perfect solution. Remember, however, that bruises can take a little time to fully heal and go away.