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Make Sure Your Restaurant Has The Required Restaurant First Aid Supplies
First aid kits are not only a convenience, but also an important part of everyday life regardless of where we work or live.
Most families have a first aid kit in their home just as businesses have first aid kits in the workplace. First aid kits that you see in homes or cars are usually stocked with the basic first aid supplies for everyday accidents or sickness.
Each workplace will have a different type of first aid kit and first aid supplies depending on what type of business they are. Many people don't realize this fact. For instance, a restaurant will have more than a basic first aid kit; they will have restaurant first aid supplies.
Restaurant first aid supplies are required by law as a preventative and protection for their customers as well as the restaurant owners. Businesses that do not have first aid kits on the workplace are not only putting their employees in jeopardy in the case of an emergency, but are also leaving themselves wide open for a lawsuit.
In workplaces such as restaurants, there are not only employees to be concerned with, but customers as well. There are different types of supplies that are required as restaurant first aid supplies.
A simple basic kit will consist of the following restaurant first aid supplies: adult and child CPR mask, a 911 sign, case for wall hanging, one-way valve and latex gloves. Every restaurant is required by law to have on of these first aid kits.
You can buy kits with these restaurant first aid supplies, and the supplies will fit the specifications that are required by state law.
As much as this particular type of restaurant first aid kit is required by law, it lacks many of the addition first aid equipment needed on a daily basis that is also required.
Therefore, some restaurant owners will purchase more than one kit or they will purchase a much larger first aid kit with more restaurant first aid supplies. These type of first aid kits are available for just a few people or commercial size for 50 or 100 people.
The following are some of the restaurant first aid supplies you will get in a restaurant first aid kit:
• Alcohol pads
• 3"x3" Gauze pads
• Iodine wipes
• 2"x3" Non-stick pads
• Antiseptic Wipes
• Antibiotic Packs
• 2"x12 ft. Gauze rolls
• 2"x2" Burn Dressing
• Fingertip bandages
• 2"x4" Plastic bandages
• Knuckle bandages
• 1"x3" Fabric bandages
• Aspirin packs
• Cold compress
• Latex gloves
• CPR face shield
• Scissors
• Tweezers
• Eye wash kit
• First aid booklet
• Sling
• Metal cabinet