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First Aid Supplies-Blood Clot Spray Should Be Included
Every home and business has some sort of first aid supplies. Whereas businesses usually have a full first aid kit centrally located or many first aid kits through the building, homes usually have smaller first aid kits or just first aid supplies.
Blood Clot Spray is not something that individuals often think of when supplying their first aid kit with the necessities. Businesses, on the other hand, will usually have this as part of their first aid supplies.
Blood clot spray is an aerosol spray that is used on cuts that are bleeding. It is equivalent to a scab. If a cut or wound is deep, it can bleed a lot leaving the patient feeling weak and possibly in danger.
The use of blood clot spray is important in making the blood clot so the bleeding stops. The wound may not be healed, but with the bleeding stopped or controlled, there is less chance of danger while getting the patient to a medical facility such as a doctor's office or hospital.
Many patients have had serious complications including death from extensive blood loss. Some have actually bled to death. While it may not be a miracle cure in your first aid supplies, blood clot spray is an important ingredient to have in case of an emergency.
Some of the essentials you will find in a basic first aid kit are bandages in various sizes, gauze and adhesive tape, elastic bandage, instant ice pack, antibiotic cream, hydrocortisone cream, eyewash and antiseptic wipes.
Eye injuries are another injury that needs to be given some kind of immediate treatment to avoid further injury to the eyes. The use of eyewash as an emergency treatment can often mean the difference of loss of vision.
Many times in factories, a worker may get something in their eye. If left untreated for too long, permanent or very painful damage can be done. Flushing the eye with an eyewash will usually help the eye enough until it can be seen by a doctor.
As important as items like eyewash are in your first aid supplies, blood clot spray is equally as important.
A simple cut or wound that won't stop bleeding can be forcefully stopped with the use of blood clot spray.
While this doesn't take the place of medical treatment, it will slow the damage until you can have the wound examined by a professional. Therefore, when you are making a list of important first aid supplies, blood clot spray should be on the top of the list.
In addition to helping the patient physically, it will also make them feel more secure if they are not bleeding steady and profusely.