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Businesses Provide Industrial First Aid Supplies

Industrial first aid supplies are a very important part of any business. In fact, industrial first aid supplies, which are part of the first aid kit, are a necessity in businesses.

Accidents happen all the time, and are very common for employees on the job. In order that your business complies with the law, you must have an adequate first aid kit with industrial first aid supplies.

Individuals at home or away from work may also have their own first aid kit with the basic first aid supplies. This may work fine for them because when they do have injuries or accidents, they are probably (hopefully) minor and the basic supplies are usually sufficient.

However, in the workplace, employees are exposed to more serious possibilities due to the chemicals, tools or motorized equipment they are near. The basic first aid kit is not going to have industrial first aid supplies, which may leave you in the lurch.

Not only is it the law, but you would feel terrible if your employee got hurt and you didn't have your first aid kit adequately stocked to take care of the injury until they could reach further medical treatment.

Situations like this can cause an employee or individual to have further, more permanent damage, because they did not receive earlier treatment.

For instance, if an employee suffers a deep cut and sufficient measures are not taken to stop the bleeding until they reach the hospital, the employee can suffer more damage or possible bleed to death. With adequate industrial first aid supplies, the chances of having this happen are slim.

The use of a blood clot spray will help to clot the blood, therefore stopping the bleeding. Blood clot sprays should be part of your industrial first aid supplies in the workplace.

OSHA has different requirements regarding what types of first aid kits must be set up at the workplace as well as how many and where they should be located.

Periodically, OSHA stops at workplaces to make sure the laws are being followed regarding the employee's safety. Having an adequately stocked first aid kit with industrial first aid supplies is usually on the top of the list.

Some of the items you will find in an industrial first aid kit that you usually won't find in a basic first aid kit are blood clot spray or gauze, different eyes washes for chemical eye burns, slings and temporary tourniquets.

Work place first aid kits may also carry earplugs, safety shields, facemasks and temporary respirators as well. Although many individuals make up their own first aid kits, businesses usually buy the ready-made industrial first aid kits with the industrial first aid supplies just to be on the "safe" side.