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When Making Mock Scrapes Archery Enthusiasts Should Know First Aid
When making mock scrapes, archery enthusiasts should exercise caution especially if they are carrying their bow and arrow or other sharp instruments such as a shovel or knife. Even a stick can be dangerous if the tips are jagged or sharp.
It is important when making mock scrapes, archery enthusiasts carry a first aid kit. It is also important to know how to administer first aid should the need arise.
Dangers Mock Scrapes Archery Enthusiasts May Encounter
One of the biggest dangers encountered by mock scrapes archery enthusiasts is being cut or scraped while out in the woods. While this may seem minor what if an artery or vein is severed? The chances for an accident to happen when making mock scrapes archery enthusiasts may not realize.
A fall could cause an arrow to puncture the skin. The same thing could happen from an unseen branch, broken glass or metal lying on the ground. It is wise for all mock scrapes archery enthusiasts to carry a first aid kit with them and know how to use it. When a serious wound happens the last thing you will have time for is to try to figure out what to do.
How Mock Scrapes Archery Enthusiasts Can Be Better Prepared
When making mock scrapes archery enthusiasts can be better prepared by taking a wilderness survival course, a first aid or CPR course and making sure they have a well stocked hunter’s first aid kit on them.
Inside the kit make sure there is a whistle, a space blanket, two small working flashlights, a small mirror, a clean towel, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic towelettes’, wound closure strips, small scissors’, medical tape, latex gloves and sterile gauze pads.
Mock scrapes archery enthusiasts basic first aid
Accessing the seriousness of the wound and knowing how to stop the bleeding are two things that every mock scrapes archery enthusiast should know. A wound that has severed an artery or vein, is jagged or will not come clean needs the attention of a trained medical professional.
Once the wound has been accessed the next step is to stop the bleeding by placing a clean cloth over the wound and applying a firm, even pressure for approximately fifteen minutes. Under most circumstances the bleeding should stop, if it does not, recover the wound and apply pressure for another fifteen minutes.
Once the bleeding has stopped, use clean water or the antiseptic towelettes to clean the wound, apply an antibiotic ointment and cover the wound with sterile gauze pads. Tape the pad on all edges so that no foreign matter can enter the wound and infect it. The dressing will need to be changed daily following the same procedure. In the event you notice redness, swelling or other signs of infection see a licensed medical care provider immediately.
Following this procedure and carrying a first aid kit that you know how to use can help ensure when making mock scrapes archery enthusiasts are prepared to deal with the unexpected.