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Avoid Infection: Treat Scrapes On Skin From Asphalt Immediately

Scrapes on skin from asphalt, also known as road rash, can be very painful and is more prone to infection than other types of scrapes.

Protective clothing is your best defense against scrapes on skin from asphalt. However, if scrapes on skin from asphalt do occur it is important to realize that time is of the essence.

The sooner wounds are treated the better, because small pieces of rock, grit and other debris are probably in the wound.

These foreign objects need to be removed so the wound does not become infected. The key to treating scrapes on skin from asphalt, which is similar to a burn-type of injury, is infection control.

Tips For Avoiding Scrapes On Skin From Asphalt

While it is true that accidents happen, there are ways to help prevent scrapes on skin from asphalt. Wear protective clothing, such as gloves, knee and elbow pads and a helmet any time you are working or playing on asphalt.

Wearing rugged long sleeved clothing that can take some abuse, such as denim or leather, is a good idea even in hot weather. If there is clothing, especially thick clothing, between your skin and the pavement there is a good chance your injuries will be lessened. Clothing can be replaced easier than skin can be repaired.

What To Do When Scrapes On Skin From Asphalt Happen

When scrapes on skin from asphalt do occur it is important to clean the wound immediately and make sure all foreign matter such as tiny rocks or grit has been removed.

There are two ways to do this. The first method is to scrub the wound with soap and water until it is clean. The second method is to use a bulb syringe filled with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution to flush the wound.

Whichever method you use it is imperative that all of the foreign matter be removed so the wound is clean and infection does not set in.

Once the wounds are cleaned, apply an antibacterial cream to the scrapes and then cover the wound with a sterile gauze pad. Any time the dressing becomes soiled or wet, change it as soon as possible.

At a minimum, the wound should be redressed once a day. The wound should heal in about a week depending on the severity of the scrape. If the wound is not healed in that time there should at least be signs that it is beginning to heal.

Scrapes on skin from asphalt need to be watched carefully to make sure infection does not set in. If signs of infection such as redness or swelling are noticed, get professional medical help immediately.

For successful treatment of scrapes on skin from asphalt, follow the above procedures and remember the next time you are working or playing on asphalt, take the time to put on protective clothing so if an accident does occur you are less likely to sustain a major injury from scrapes on skin from asphalt.