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First Aid Knowledge A Must When Creating Whitetail Deer Scrapes

Whitetail deer, the most abundant species in North America begin making their scrapes in the fall. Whitetail deer scrapes, while generally made by bucks, can be man-made. Hunters choose to make mock scrapes to attract deer so they do not have to stalk them. Anytime someone is working with sharp objects, such as when making whitetail deer scrapes, first aid knowledge is a must.

Tips For Creating Whitetail Deer Scrapes

Natural made whitetail deer scrapes are often seen around plants that provide their favorite foods such as acorns, persimmons, pecans, osage oranges and Japanese honeysuckle.

However, in an urban setting, this could vary because whitetail deer will adapt their diet to match the supply of available plants. When making whitetail deer scrapes look at the places where the bucks are making them naturally and take notes of what plants they are making licking branches out of. Then look for a place to create mock whitetail deer scrapes that is similar.

Be Prepared For Cuts And Scrapes

When making mock whitetail deer scrapes it is imperative to have a first aid kit on hand. You never know when you might get a cut or scrape while making mock whitetail deer scrapes. Just being in the wilderness can bring many opportunities for unexpected cuts and scrapes.

Carrying a first aid kit when making whitetail deer scrapes is not enough. You need to know how to use the supplies in the first aid kit as well as how to administer basic first aid, especially for cuts and scrapes.

Learn first aid before making whitetail deer scrapes

When a cut or scrape occurs you need to determine how bad the wound is as well as know how to stop the bleeding. Signs of a dangerous wound include cut veins or arteries or not being able to get the bleeding stopped. Wounds that are deep, have jagged edges or that you cannot get clean should be looked at by a professional medical care provider as soon as possible.

If the blood is coming out fast or in spurts apply pressure and seek professional medical help immediately. To stop the bleeding, use a clean, dry cloth and apply pressure to the wound for fifteen minutes. At the end of this time the bleeding should have slowed or stopped. If it has not stopped, continue to apply a firm pressure to the wound.

Once the bleeding has stopped, clean the wound thoroughly with clean water or an antiseptic towelette. Apply an antibacterial cream to the cleaned wound and cover it. Be sure to tape the edges down so dirt and other bacteria cannot enter the wound. Being prepared is a big part of wilderness survival.

The other part is making sure you have the needed supplies on hand. Anytime you are dealing with whitetail deer scrapes or performing any other task, especially in the wilderness, have a first aid kit handy and know how to use the supplies in it.