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Birthing At Home To Prevent Lacerations Grazes Birth

Birthing at home is not new, yet it seems new because so many women birth in hospitals.

Birthing in a hospital is fine; however you may not get the option to deliver in the most comfortable of positions. Baring any unseen complications during childbirth, birthing at home is a much better option for some women and their families.

While birthing at home, the mother is allowed to let gravity assist her in the birthing process, which helps to prevent lacerations grazes birth.

Midwives are specially trained medical and nursing personnel. Registered nurses often go the extra mile and go into the specialty of midwifery. Birthing at home with a midwife puts the mother at ease; when she is feeling calm and focused she is less likely to develop lacerations grazes birth. She can assume whatever position that is comfortable to her.

She may feel the need to sit in a birthing chair, or to stand with her knees bent. She can change her position any time she feels the need to, which she might not be able to do in a hospital setting.

Often in the delivery room, the mother is lying or reclining. As she feels the urge to push, she often is pushing against gravity, which can increase the risk of lacerations grazes birth.

Another birthing at home technique is to birth underwater, which is reported to be one of the easiest birthing methods. While laboring in the pool the water is pressing in on the mother’s abdomen and back from all sides, providing gentle pressure around the girth of the mother.

As a preventive measure against lacerations grazes birth, the water provides gentle pressure to assist in the movement of the infant easily out of the birth canal.

Birthing at home is often much less stressful than a delivery room delivery, where there are doctors and nurses all around telling you to breathe, hold your breath and push, or to pant.

At home you can do what comes natural. Your body will tell you when it is time to push the baby out. You will start to push spontaneously. Often times eliminating the fear factor, there is less chance for lacerations grazes birth, and less need for pain medications.

Pain medications can be given if necessary, but sometimes they slow down the progress of the labor, stalling the baby’s advancement down the birth canal. Stalling the momentum can often increase the risk for lacerations grazes birth.

By birthing at home, the mom has the comfort of her family around her; she can adjust her position that best facilitates the progression of labor with the least amount of effort.

She is going to need all her strength to deliver her baby; she does not need to get exhausted during the early stages of labor. By allowing gravity to assist her, the baby can be delivered without over tiring the mother.

Lacerations grazes birth are more likely to occur when the mother is working against gravity. Lying flat on your back, or even reclined in a 45 degree angle is not the most efficient way to introduce a new baby into the world.

When sitting, standing, or squatting, or some other gravity assisted position that is comfortable labor is often much easier and the delivery is quicker with no lacerations grazes birth.