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Hup Two Three Four ... Military First Aid Kit Cadence
A military first aid kit can be as important as any other piece of field equipment. In fact, it can be the most important equipment item when minor trauma occurs in the field.
The military first aid kit is designed to be used outdoors or in field tents and contains specialized items related to typical military or other outdoor related injuries.
In a household first aid kit, there’s normally no need for a blood clotting packs. But that’s just the kind of first aid item you’ll find in a military first aid kit.
Other items include the following.
• Elastic bandages
• Sponges
• Blood stopping solution or granules
• Compression bandages
• Wipes
• Gloves
• Tweezers
• Burn gel
• Ammonia inhalants
• Flashlight
• Tourniquet
• Eye Pads
The purpose of the military first aid kit is to carry important items in a single transportable pack. Unlike the home and office first aid kits, the military first aid supplies are in a pack that can be hung on a belt or backpack.
The supplies are in a soft pack almost like a mini-backpack or duffel. There are storage compartments for various supplies you might like to add to your safety arsenal.
The military first aid kit isn’t just for military personnel either. It’s designed to be useful for anybody who is active outdoors or performs similar functions as a member of the military.
For example, hunters should carry a military first aid kit in the unfortunate event there are injuries sustained. The packs are camouflaged and made from sturdy nylon or canvas material.
Other people that could benefit from carrying the specially designed military first aid kit include campers, hikers, skiers and anyone else that spends a lot of time outdoors enjoying active sports.
You never like to think in terms of someone getting hurt while enjoying a sport or hobby, but it’s better to be prepared.
The military first aid kit is made for all military groups also. There are packs designed for medical field personnel, infantry, weekend National Guard activities, parachuters and so on. The kits are made in a variety of sizes from those carried on the belt to packs in mini-suitcases on wheels.
The military first aid kit is a handy pack that contains all the important medical supplies for unexpected field injuries. These include gunshot and knife wounds, cuts and abrasions, accidental eye injury, and injuries due to falling.
The medical military first aid kit will even include items like sutures, irrigation syringes and cast plaster.
It’s comforting to know that emergency medical supplies are always near when you carry a military first aid kit. The kit can be literally life-saving providing temporary emergency service until the person can make it to a doctor or hospital.
If you are an outdoorsman, then you need to march quickly to the nearest military first aid kit!