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Girl Scout First Aid Kit Article
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Girl Scout First Aid Kit – Learning About Safety
The Girl Scout first aid kit serves more than one purpose. Of course, the first purpose is to supply minor-emergency items when needed during indoor and outdoor activities.
The second reason is to teach young girls the concepts of safety, good health and preparation. Being prepared in advance is the rule of thumb for all Girl Scout activities and learning about first aid kits can be an important lesson all by itself.
The Girl Scout rule book requires that a first aid kit be available wherever there are scout members. This can include meetings, field trips and outdoor activities.
The rules require that basic first aid supplies to be included in the kit along with a first aid book and emergency phone numbers.
You can purchase a pre-packed Girl Scout first aid kit. A standard kit will include all the traditional first aid supplies. There should be bandages and tape, band-aids, gauze pads, disposable gloves, CPR shield, scissors, soap and tape.
But the Girl Scout first aid kit can also be expanded to include supplies needed for other activities such as hiking, camping or project work.
Many troops use the design of the Girl Scout first aid kit as a troop project. You can purchase supplies and vinyl bags and teach troop members how to make their own first aid kit.
This can be a valuable lesson they will carry with them the rest of their lives. In addition, each first aid supply item can be a lesson in itself. As the kit is packed with band-aids, wound care can be discussed.
Creative use of kit items can in the event of an emergency can be explored. The possibilities are endless.
The Girl Scout first aid can teach about safety, economizing, and advance preparation. In fact, it’s possible to use the creation of the Girl Scout first aid kit as a chance to earn another badge of accomplishment.
The Girl Scout first aid kit is used by both scout leaders and the members. Scout leaders are required to have a Girl Scout first aid kit on hand at every meeting. The size of the kit required will vary according to the size of the troop.
Kits can be kept in meeting rooms, at camp, in autos and carried on hikes. The nylon pouch Girl Scout first aid kit can be carried on the uniform belt which keeps it handy during long walks in the woods or while doing crafts at outdoor tables.
You can purchase a Girl Scout first aid kit online. The kits will handle minor burns, scratches and cuts, insect bites, poison ivy, and many other minor emergencies.