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First Aid Kit Fundraiser Fun!
A first aid kit fundraiser campaign can be a fun way to raise money for an important cause. Most fundraisers sell very traditional items such as candy bars, cookies or coupon books.
That means a successful fundraiser must be innovative and will do much better selling something people need and want and can be used by a large number of people. A first aid kit is an essential set of supplies every person needs for home and travel.
Lots of organizations hold fundraisers with the hope enough money is raised to pay for special projects or operations. It can become difficult approaching people though when they are tired of buying the same items they’ve bought year after year.
Imagine how refreshing a first aid kit fundraiser campaign can be for both the organization and the potential customers.
Typical fundraising groups include children’s groups, churches, community non-profits, schools and clubs. A first aid kit fundraiser fits every organization. Children, adults, teenagers and senior citizens can sell first aid kits.
The kits can be used for money raising, but they also send an important message to the public. Selling something important like first aid kits lets people know your group takes safety and well-being carefully.
Doesn’t it make more sense for a hospital charity group to hold a first aid kit fundraiser event rather than sell chocolate bars?
Doesn’t it send a better educational message when a school sells first aid kits rather than movie theater coupons?
A first aid kit fundraiser is easy to plan and implement. You can order information concerning prices and promotional materials. The organization can choose the kind of first aid kit it prefers to sell too. Kits vary in price depending upon the size and contents.
For easy selling, you can choose a moderately priced kit and discover how easy they can be to sell. That’s because everyone can recognize the value of having a first aid kit on hand.
A first aid kit fundraiser campaign can be a great way to raise money. You can pre-sell kits or order kits in advance and sell them on the spot. It’s great to have a choice of kits for people to choose among.
Some potential customers will prefer home kits to travel kits for example. Like any fundraiser, the sooner you can deliver the product the easier it can be to sell the item. A first aid kit fundraiser can be held periodically or all year long too.
If you are looking for a great fundraiser that also serves the community good, a first aid kit fundraiser campaign is ideal in every way!