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How To Prevent Food-borne Illness When Cooking?

A food-borne illness is actually an ailment or disease that is transmitted via the food we eat and the liquids we drink.

A food-borne illness that is caused by the food we eat is usually due to a few factors that may be our own doing, the doing of others or simply nature taking its natural course.

When preparing food for your family or when buying ready made meals for yourself, you will have to ascertain whether the food you are preparing or the food that you or your family will be consuming is clean and prepared in a way that is hygienic and safe for consumption.

One example of a precaution that people have nowadays when preparing food in such a way that they can avoid food-borne illness is to clean the knife that is used for preparing food as well as the cutting board before moving on to the next ingredient needed for the recipe that they are preparing.

This is often ideal with poultry in which salmonella, which is a strain of bacteria causing food-borne illness, may be present.

Another technique to prevent a food transmitted illness is to wash off the cutting board that is used for slicing raw meats, fish and poultry.

This technique for food-borne illness prevention is done not only to get rid of the smell that may be passed on to the next dish but also to avoid the contamination of one kind of food to another. This is essentially useful when you are cutting up vegetables for a salad on the same cutting board.

Since the salad you will be serving won't be cooked, any bacteria that may have transferred itself from the raw meat to the cutting board may be passed on to your salad ingredients, making them a potential source of a food-borne illness.

Another thing that people may sometimes find confusing is the kind of chopping board or cutting board to be used to help prevent a food transmitted illness.

Some people say that a wooden chopping board is the better choice since it has natural enzymes that will help kill bacteria that may be left on the board.

Other people say that a synthetic board, like a plastic one, is better at keeping a food-borne illness at bay since it is easier to clean and maintain, and it does not require too much cleaning or sterilization since the food juices do not seep into the non-organic substance used for the chopping board.

If you follow the tips above, you will be able to prevent food-borne illness from occurring. In some cases, a food-borne illness can be rather serious, and it can cause great discomfort and even death if left unattended.