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Different Types Of Bone Fractures Mean Different Treatments

Bone fractures occur any time a bone gets broken in the body. Although many don't realize it, a broken bone is the same as a bone fraction.

Bone fractures happen to children more often than adults, but are usually less severe than with adults. Some of the more common bone fractures are to the ankle, wrist and hip, although hip fractures are more common with the elderly.

There are different types of bone fractures. Each one is different in severity and healing process.

Although many symptoms may vary depending on the type and particular bone that is involved, most types of bone fractures involve the following: swelling, pain, sweaty and pale face, bruising, inability to use that part of the body and deformity.

Some of the different types of bone fractures are Greenstick Fracture, Simple Fracture, Comminuted Fracture, Compound Fracture, Pathological Fracture, Avulsion Fracture and Compression Fracture.

Greenstick Fractures are the types of bone fractures seen commonly in children because of the flexibility of their young growing bones. This type of fracture occurs when there is a small crack in the bone.

Comminuted Fractures is a more complicated fracture than some of the other types of bone fractures. Comminuted fractures are when the bone is splintered or shattered into many pieces.

These are commonly seen in severe automobile accidents and will usually heal very slowly because of all the damage.

A simple fracture is just how the name describes. It's a simple break where the skin is not broken. Simple fractures are also known as closed fractures.

A compound fracture is referred to as an open fracture because the broken bone breaks through the skin or the site of the fracture is visible due to a wound.

Types of bone fractures that are compound are more serious because there is a good chance of infection setting in because of the wound open. Infection of the bone is very serious in this type of bone fracture.

Pathological fractures are breaks that occur because of the weakened bone mass due to various diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis and other diseases. The diseases are not what cause the bones to fracture, but they are what make the bones weak, which makes them more susceptible to breaks.

Avulsion Fractures are common in the shoulder and knee joints and occur when muscles strongly contract away from tendons and pieces of bones get pulled out. Compression fractures are very common in the vertebrae of the spine.

The break happens when two bones are forced into or against each other. Patients with osteoporosis are very susceptible to compression fractions.

All types of bone fractures can be serious if not treated promptly. Don't assume you only have a sprain if you have symptoms of possible bone fractures. Always seek medical attention if you have doubts or concerns.