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Unprotected Skin In August Burns Red
Almost everyone whose skin is sunburned in August burns red, which stands to reason because August is the hottest month of the year.
Sunburns in August burns red because the wavelengths of UVA and UVB light are more direct during the hottest part of summer. Not only is there a threat from direct sunlight, but there is also a threat from reflected sunlight.
The white sand of a beach and the water both act like mirrors to reflect the sunlight right onto your skin.
A tourist that visits the beaches of the southern coastal states from June to August burns red most frequently when he/she forgets to use sunscreen. Unprotected skin starts to burn within minutes of exposure to the sun during the hours between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Sunburns have a cumulative affect on some people. The more times you are sunburned the higher the likelihood of developing some form of skin cancer.
Sunscreen is the most important item to remember when you are out in the sun. Apply it often—especially in the summer when the skin in August burns red. When choosing a sunscreen be sure it has an SPF of 15 or greater—the higher the number the more protection it gives.
Everyone’s skin is not the same. many fair complected people need an SPF closer to 30 while others can be protected with a lower SPF number.
When applying sunscreen you need to apply it 20 minutes before going out in the sun, so that the skin is protected. It takes a few minutes for the active ingredients to bond with the skin to form a protective shield. If you plan on going swimming you will need a waterproof sunscreen.
Waterproof doesn’t mean that it will stay on indefinitely. it will wash off in time. You should come out of the water every 45 minutes to 1 hour and dry the skin and reapply the sunscreen.
Let the sunscreen sit on the skin for 10 to 20 minutes before going back into the water because skin in June through August burns red.
If you have forgotten your sunscreen you might want to wear a long sleeved shirt during the hottest part of the day because sun exposure to the skin in the summer, especially in August burns red.
You are less likely to be badly burned if you expose your unprotected skin before or after the peak hours of direct sunlight.
It is a good idea to get into the habit of applying sunscreen whether you are planning to go out into the sun or not. and it is also good to use it all year long. Not only skin in August burns red, but in the winter months also.
The sun can burn in the winter months too. People who live where there is snow have to deal with sunburn as the sun reflects off the snow. Everyone should get into the habit of using sunscreen.
Though you take precautions and apply sunscreen diligently, try to spend some time in the shade. Some people still have burn injuries even after using sunscreen. of all the hottest months the skin in August burns red.