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Time Is Often The Best Medicine To Heal Bruises
Accidents happen and so do bruises. When these appear, the first thing most people want to find out about is how to heal bruises more quickly.
The fact of the matter is that these little contusions can be quite unsightly and they might even become more so over a few days' time. While there are some methods that can help heal bruises faster, the best medicine for them is generally nothing more than time.
How Bruises Happen
Bruises tend to appear on the skin whenever there is a breakage in the capillaries near the surface of the skin. The discoloration comes from the pooling of blood near the surface of the skin.Over time, the pooling will lessen and fade. In most cases, bruises happen due to bumps, bangs and accidents. Sometimes, however, more serious problems are present that cause bruises to happen for virtually no reason at all.
Most bruises do not require medical attention, but there are cases where advice should be sought.
How To Heal Bruises That Are Minor
There are some steps that can be taken to help the healing process along. As long as bruises are explainable and are not associated with an abundance of swelling or an inability to move the affected area, home remedies can help.To assisting in healing, people can:
• Elevate the affected area. Keeping the bruised area elevated can help reduce swelling and pain. It can also help promote the healing process.
• Use ice. Icing the area can help reduce pain and swelling. Use ice for about 20 minutes at a time.
• Consider heat later. Warm heat can be very useful for helping with the healing process. This should be used after swelling has been reduced and/or completely removed.
• Topical treatment. Herbal treatments like Witch Hazel can help promote bruise healing.
• Time. In most cases, bruises will heal over time. It typically takes about two weeks for bruises to completely fade. Generally, time is all that is really required to heal bruises.
When To Call For Help
While time will heal bruises on its own, there are certain cases where medical attention is required.Call a doctor if:
• Bruises do not go away after two weeks.
• Bruises appear for no reason at all.
• Bruises are too painful or the pain increases with time.
• Immobility of the impacted area is present.
• Bruising is very close to the eye.
When the need is to heal bruises, time is typically the best answer. There are times, however, when medical advice is required.