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Bruises Unexplained Article

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What Causes Bruises

Bruises are perhaps the most common and minor injury experienced in the daily life. It is very common for almost every physically active individual to suffer from a bruise or an injury, as he/she rushes around trying to fulfill the daily chores.

However, as common as they might be, yet these bruises are a major cause of pain, discomfort and inconvenience to the sufferer.

Often such bruises, especially on face cause much embarrassment to the victims as they answer a volley of questions that come their way. Similarly bruises on areas such as legs cause a lot of pain, as the injury seems to worsen owing to hectic movement of the affected area.

To facilitate better and quicker healing, it is important to understand what causes bruises and how to handle them when they actually occur.

The Logic

Well, to begin with, the most clear and common logic of what causes bruises is that injuries which are strong but somehow fail to break through the skin lead to such a condition.

The blood vessels get into a clot which gives the skin the much-dreaded discoloration.

When analyzing and understanding what causes bruises, it is also important to know that there are certain typical factors that make an individual more prone to be affected by bruises. Age is one such factor which causes the elderly to be bruised more easily.

What causes bruises in the elderly is the fact that with age, the skin becomes thinner, thereby leaving the tissues underneath to get hurt more easily.

In addition, it is also a common occurrence for athletes and sportspersons to get bruises more easily. The nature of physical activity amongst these individuals is what causes bruises so easily.

These sportspersons have a tendency to suffer from minor injuries than the major ones that actually explains what causes bruises in such cases.

Moving on, there is also evidence to support that some individuals are genetically more prone to be affected by bruises than the others are. The tendency to get bruises seems to be hereditary in such cases and thus explain what causes bruises effectively.

In most of the cases, what causes bruises also influences the type of treatment method that should be followed.

For instance, if the bruise has been caused by a bad fall from the bike and there also seems to be an open wound along with, immediate medical intervention should be sought to ensure that the infection does not spread.

Similarly, if the bruise has just occured from a hit against the bedpost, then an ice pack along with a follow-up treatment will suffice.