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Love Bites: There Must Be Less Painful Ways To Show Me You Love Me
Love Bites – What are they?
What kinds of ways can humans bite other one another?
The first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of love bites is the traditional teenage hickeys. Young love, fresh and new, experimenting, showing love, or marking territory "he or she is mine."
Whatever the case may be, a hickey is a minor hematoma - a discoloration of the skin caused by the bursting of blood vessels under the derma as a result of forcefully kissing, sucking or biting.
The bruising usually lasts up to two weeks then goes away on its own. However, if you absolutely want to try to hide it or make it go away faster, you can:
• Hide it with clothing.
• Cover it up with makeup; green tint works best on the reddish bluish bruise.
• Place an icepack, cool compress ( ice in a towel), on the site for about twenty minutes, remove and repeat a second time.
• Freeze a spoon and apply pressure to the site. You will have to do this several times, as the spoon will no doubt warm up fast.
• Lightly brush love bites with a toothbrush, or any surface like a comb that will move or shake the skin. This vigorous activity will stimulate the blood cells and break up the clot beneath. Stimulate the area for about 18 minutes then add a cold compress and repeat action if necessary.
• The coin method involves taking your fingers and spreading the area as far a part as you can then take a coin and vigorously scrape the bruise. By doing so you will be moving the blood lodged underneath the skin. This method might be slightly uncomfortable but requires less explaining. For some teenagers it is less embarrassing justifying scrapes on your neck rather than love bites.
You love toddlers and they love you. Sometimes they even bite. Fortunately these little love bites rarely break the skin.
However, love bites from humans may are may not be loving but they can be more serious. Human bites can carry more infection than animal bites because of the bacteria found in the mouth and human saliva.
The transmission of viruses such as aids and osteomyelitis (bone or bone marrow infection) is also funneled through human bites.
Even if someone scrapes their knuckles across another person's teeth in an altercation is considered a bite if the skin has been broken.
The chomping type of bite; biting a finger can look relatively innocuous, but can damage the tendons close to the surface of the finger.
A bite to the head is especially problematic when young children are involved. Their scalps and foreheads are thin and the risk of infection from the tooth bite should not be taken lightly. Seek medical attention before self medicating.
First Aid For Human Bites:
• Apply pressure to stop the bleeding• Cleanse the wound with soap and water
• Apply an antibiotic
• Bandage the wound
• Seek medical help
• Get a tetanus shot if you haven't had one in the previous five years
• Certain bites may require plastic surgery.
Hand wounds from bites can be very dangerous, bacteria can enter the wound site and lodge very deep inside, medical intervention may be required. Surgical drainage of fluid may be required.
A bad infection left unattended may cause permanent damage. Love bites, unfortunately, can prove rather troublesome.