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The Different Types Of Allergic Reactions
Allergies are quite common today with practically everyone suffering from some form of allergy or the other. It is the overreaction of the immune system to antigens like bee stings, some food, insect stings or pollen that triggers an allergy.
There are different types of allergic reactions that manifest itself in different ways in the body.
Allergies are generally mild with mild symptoms that go within a few days of getting rid of the trigger of the allergen. Occasionally, there are cases of people suffering from anaphylaxis which is a life threatening condition where there is difficulty in breathing and loss in consciousness.
One type of allergic reaction is seasonal allergic rhinitis, or hay fever. This is an allergic response to pollen and other microscopic substances that exist at certain times of the year. There are also conditions where allergic rhinitis works out to be perennial, or year round.
One of the types of allergic reactions is allergy to insect stings, which is very common. Some people however will not be aware of their allergy to insect stings until they are stung by an insect.
More often than not, it is the second sting that triggers an allergy reaction while the first sting produces only a normal sting reaction. However if you have an allergy to insect stings, the severity of the reaction varies from person to person.
Allergy to latex is another of the types of allergic reactions where the person is allergic to substances made of natural latex. One of the main sources of this allergic reaction is rubber gloves while sometimes, latex that is used in other products like condoms and medical devices can trigger a reaction.
Mold allergy is an allergy that does not have a defined season as mold and fungi grow in all weather and thrive both indoors and outdoors. However some forms of outdoor mold tend to thrive in higher concentrations from spring to late fall.
There are some people who suffer from allergy to cosmetics. With cosmetic allergy, you experience skin irritation because of some ingredients in the cosmetics like fragrances and preservatives.
The two types of allergic reactions here are:
1. Irritant contact dermatitis, and
2. Allergic contact dermatitis.
Some people are allergic to pets where it is not the pet's feathers or fur that triggers a reaction. It is the invisible flakes of animal skin called dander that triggers sneezing, watery eyes and stuffy noses in some people.
When you suffer from food allergies, it means that some food likes peanuts and jalapeños trigger an allergic reaction.
Symptoms here are like symptoms for different types of allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the throat and tongue, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea and a drop in blood pressure.